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Ninja Neden .com

THIS IS A WARNING to anybody who is under 18, if you are under 18 you are not allowed to enter this site, so if you're UNDER 18 leave this page now, click one of the links in the left nav. If you ARE 18 or OVER, click that fucker like its gonna dissapear!!


• So this ninja [] emails me and he's like, nice site, yadda yadda, wanna add mine? And would you add it to the top? And I'm like hmm *click* and see that its one of them xxx picture archives, and obviously ran by a juggalo, one ... his email addy is faygojoe, 2ndly ... ok look fucker, its obvious, so just shut the fuck up, anyways, im thinkin, porn site ... ran by juggalo ... now why the hell would i put this mother fuckers website on top the list, when i can fuckin put that son of a bitch right on the links frame [to your right]? 2 things that make up who I am, juggalos ... and porn. Split equally, 50/50. So i just had to put that link over there, just had to go there, aint no other fuckin way around it god damn it! So if you have a website, jack the button i made, and link to his site, or just place a text link, porn should be spread faster than AIDS, maybe if more ppl looked at porn, there'd be less AiDS, fuck ya'll about always gettin real ass, get some internet picture ass, aint no woman to please, you dont have to buy her gifts, and she givs you all the fuckin hand jobs you DESERVE! Granted ... dont take that too heartidly ... you should always, once in a while, have a warm body to lie next down to, please, and shower with gifts .. but inbetween, JERK OFF LIKE YOU'RE GONNA FUCKING GOD DAMN DIE TOMORROW!!!!!!!!

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